Pulsener UK

We are eager to help by acting as independent advisors and guide decisions. We have worked on more than 20 district heating projects, including Paris (5TWh), Bordeaux (150GWh) and Lyon (140GWh) and acquired deep expertise that allow us to design efficient solutions, assess projects and challenge costs. By working together, we can transfer our knowledge.
We believe we can help in the following ways:
a) Local Authorities
- Strategic planning
- Assess new projects
- Help design better networks
b) The UK Government
- Strategic planning
- Help define standards based on expertise acquired in France
- Certify new projects (HNTAS)
c) Investors
- Assess financial returns of heat networks
- Support with Due Diligence so that they can confidently participate in this £80bn opportunity
d) Heat networks operators
- Certify new projects (HNTAS)
- Support Utilities in their diversification away from fossil fuels
e) Engineering firms/heat consultants
- Provide additional expertise
- Provide extra resources