Wastewater Network Heat Mapping as a heat planning tool
Key information
Urgency: Low (within 48 hours)
Company Name: Applied Energy
Contact Name: Nick Meeten
Contact Email: nick@appliedenergy.co.nz
Telephone: +64272519033
Expires: 31/12/2026
We can heatmap entire wastewater networks for a city and the maps can be displayed on a webmap so it can easily be viewed by anyone. Think 'Google Maps for Wastewater Heat'.
We have already provided this (partially or fully) for 10 cities and can provide this service for any cities in the UK.
The heatmaps can be used as a heat planning tool, including planning to use this heat source for district heat networks.
- Operation and Maintenance
- Investor
- Consultancy
- Consumer group
- Developer
- Equipment Suppliers
- Industry Association Installation
Heat Network Exchange Disclaimer
By using this catalogue, you should know that any commercial arrangements you make with suppliers are your own responsibility. The organisations involved in creating this tool bear no responsibility for the arrangements you make by using this tool. If you are unsure what this means or have any concerns, you will need to seek your own legal advice.
This catalogue aims to help organisations to find other organisations who may offer what they cannot source via their existing supplier networks.
No assurance of the suppliers has been carried out. You will need to complete your own assurances and due diligence checks before entering into commercial agreements at your own risk.